In my 60 years, I've never heard the word misogyny used so pervasively and much of the time, incorrectly. If (and hopefully it is) equality is the goal then personal agency has to apply. TBH, I'm so sick of the hypocrisy.

Enjoyed the read, you're a gifted writer Jax!!

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I totally agree, I’m tired of the gender bias, especially with MSM.

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The Amber Heard case opened my eyes to so much it has shaken my faith in media I previously trusted. I’m realizing that narrative & virtue signaling are largely motivated by money, that glamorizing the female criminal is big business- that accusations, simply making an accusation =profit. I find myself wondering if I’ve lost my mind because the irony of calling me misogynistic is in itself misogynistic but as baffling & painful it is to live in this reality It is, for better or worse reality.

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Absolutely brilliant, so bloody true

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Beautifully written and I agree wholeheartedly! ❤️

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Great piece by Jax,and the bias shown towards theses criminal's simply because of their gender is wrong on so many levels 💜🤟💜

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Agreed...our entire system needs a major overhaul.

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Your comparison of Heard to Casey Anthony is learned misogyny. Experts do not agree with you. You have no basis for your comparison other than indoctrinated misogyny. The NCADV for men women and children in the USA cited Depp the abuser and his stans an extension of his abuse. Many other domestic violence originations all cited John Depp the abuser.

Here's a nice article you might like. Truth


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